Category Archives: English

English, Short Stories

The Witch of the Abandoned Streets

The witch of the abandoned streets sits on a bench and curses the world in her obscure witch language. She is cursing all those passers-by heading toward destinations she will never arrive at; she is cursing all those elusive pieces of time which had slipped through her thin fingers; she is cursing the superior entity above, although she is not convinced it or he or she exists any longer. Did this miserable world ever hear of such a witch? A witch who lacks witchcraft altogether but is still, nonetheless, a witch?

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English, Lyrical Prose

Out Here

Welcome aboard! We’ve been waiting a long time for you to come. How was your journey? Not too rough, we hope? Are you tired? Are you hungry? Can we offer you something? Anything? There was a slight delay and we were beginning to think you might have changed your mind, but we sure are glad to see you haven’t, ha ha. We know. It may all be a bit overwhelming for you at the moment, but we promise that you’ll get the hang of it sooner than
you think.

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English, Lyrical Prose

The Unknown White

On that day came the unknown White. It was just another Mediterranean afternoon. Only a few days before that, the majestic sun shone brightly, sending its God-sent light to the rain-craving soil below. The familiar dry warm wind danced above the land, hopping from tree to tree, from head to head, reminding all that autumn is still not ready to move aside and let winter take its place.

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English, Short Stories, Surreal

And You Call Yourself a Diva?!

Eli was standing in the bride’s gazebo, checking herself out in front of the huge mirror brought there earlier by the staff. They closed the gazebo using white impenetrable sheets, enabling the bride the privacy she needed before the ceremony. It was late afternoon on a late August day and the air stood still. It must have been at least thirty-two degrees outside. Her pearl-white satin dress stuck to her breasts and her stomach. She grabbed two small pieces of the shiny fabric enveloping her waist, shaking it gently, and hoped that it would cool down her sticky skin, but the dress was just too tight.

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