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A Little Bit About Me

My name is Hadar Badt, an Israeli-German writer. I write fiction, proze, short stories, and flash fiction in Hebrew (my first mother tongue) and English (my second mother tongue).

In 2013, I moved to Berlin to reconnect with my German roots and focus on my writing. I am the only one in my family to be back in Germany since 1933 and this is a big deal for me.

I returned to Tel-Aviv in May 2018 and began working as a content and knowledge manager for a hi-tech company. Before that, I had been working as a marketing and content writer (Hebrew/English). Having studied business anthropology and international management, traveled the world alone for more than one year, and lived on four continents, cultures play a big role in my writing.

My short stories and journalistic articles had been published both online and in print. Please visit the Publications and Awards page to learn more.