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Tag Archives: childhood

English, Flash Fiction

Freckles Only Visit Special People

“When I was a little girl, I used to visit my grandma every second weekend. She had a small yet inviting countryside home, surrounded by orchards and green fields. It was my favorite place in the world. I remember eagerly counting the days, and then the hours, before I could walk along the citruses with grandma and hear her stories from when she was a little girl, like me. It was hard for me to imagine her so young. When you’re little, all of the adults seem like they had been born this way, right? Continue reading

Lyrical Prose

The Girl and the Rain

The nameless girl had always loved the rain. She loved the rain during those late winter afternoons, when she sat down in the lit kitchen, her mother’s glowing smile from across the table driving all the fears away and her soft caring hands caressing her, telling her, in their own secret wordless language, that their love for her is unconditional, eternal. The sweet smell of the hot cocoa on the table would rise in the air and mix with the warm chocolaty surprises baking in the oven, with the promise of always having this home to come back to.

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